urjnasw xkfjjkn's hot blog



Class Standing: first year master
1.       Why am I taking this class?
---Some of my friends recommended me that I could really learn something interesting and beneficial to my future career in this course. What’s more important, Professor Hammond is nice and easy-going.
2.       What experience do you bring to this class?
---I have some programming experience on C, Java, Android, HTML and JSP in my undergraduate studies. Last semester, I successfully completed the study of CSCE 614 Computer Architecture and CSCE 629 Analysis of Algorithms.
3.       What is my professional life goal?
---My ultimate professional life goal is to become a creative and inspirational technical director in a Fortune 500 companies. But everything starts from hard-working junior programmer.
4.       What is my personal life goal?
---My personal life goal is to travel all over the world with my family, tasting their cuisine, enjoying their holidays and learning as many languages as I can.
5.       What do I want to do after my graduation?
---I prefer to work in industry if I do not find a research topic that interests me.
6.       What do I expect to be doing in 10 years?
---I wish I will have already become a project architect by then, closer to my ultimate goal.
7.       What do you think will be the next biggest technological advancement in computer science?
---A reform in human-computer interaction, maybe. Just as depicted in sci-fi movies, we can click, drag and control by gestures via a virtual screen that identify our instructions through sensors. We do not need PC any more. It is just my wild imagination.
8.        If you could travel back in time, who would you like to meet and why?
---I want to meet Dennis Ritchie, the father of C language. The reason is quite simple. C is the first programming language I learnt (I am still learning). I want to figure out what difficulties he met and how he overcame them in the process to create such a popular language with a history of more than 40 years.
9.       Describe your favorite shoes and why they are your favorite?
---I like white sneakers. White is my favorite color. It can easily suit a lot of clothes. Sneakers looks casual and is OK for every season (Quite convenient).
10.   If you could be fluent in any foreign language that you're not already fluent in, which one would it be and why? 
---Spanish. I want to travel to Spanish after my graduation. My favorite soccer team is in Spanish. It is widely spoken in Latin America.
11.   Give some interesting fact/story about yourself.
---I like collecting cool beverage pop cans.

