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Accurate Primitive Sketch Recognition and Beautification

Accurate Primitive Sketch Recognition and Beautification
The primary contribution of this paper is introducing a low-level sketch recognition and beautification system that uses two new features and a novel ranking algorithm.
The two new features are:
(1) Normalized Distance between Direction Extremes(NDDE): The distance between the point with highest direction value( change of y over change of x ) and the point with lowest direction value, divided by the length of the stroke.
(2) Direction Change Ratio( DCR ): The maximum change in direction divided by the average change in direction.
The novel ranking algorithm is used to assign a score to interpretations of input sketch. The one with lower score is a better interpretation of the input sketch.
The score table of primitives is as follows,
An example about how the ranking algorithm works:
The architecture of the low-level sketch recognizer in this paper:

In pre-recognition stage,
(1)     Remove consecutive, duplicate points from the stroke. These points can occur in systems with a high sampling rate.
(2)     A series of graphs and values are computed for the stroke, including direction graph, speed graph, curvature graph and corners.
(3)     Compute the NDDE and DCR mentioned in Summary Section.
(4)     Remove “tails”( the endpoints of strokes ) before sending the stroke to each of the shape tests.
(5)     Test whether the stroke is overtraced( shapes make multiple revolutions ) and closed.

In test stage,
(1) Line Test
1) Fit a least square line to the stroke points.
2) Determine the least square error, which must below a certain threshold.
3) The feature area of the line is divided by stroke length to get an error which must be within a threshold.
4) Verify the stroke is not overtraced and only contains 3 corners.

(2) Polyline Test
1) Break the stroke into substrokes at the calculated corners.
2) send each sub-stroke to the line test and keep track of the sum of least squares errors as well as the sum of the feature area errors.
3) Check three conditions.

(3) Ellipse Test
1) calculate the ideal major axis, center and minor axis.
2) check to make sure the some conditions apply.

(4) Circle Test
1) calculating an ideal radius, center.
2) pass some conditions
3) verify it is better fit a circle rather than an ellipse by calculating the major/minor axis ratio, which must be near certain threshold value.
4) feature area error verification

(5) Arc Test
1) calculate the ideal center point of the arc.
2) calculate the ideal radius of the arc.
3) test: not closed or overtraced and must have high NDDE value and low DCR value.
4) calculate the feature area of the arc and make sure its error is below a certain threshold.

(6) Curve Test
1) calculate d+1 control points and estimate the control points by solving a system of equations.
2) generate the ideal curve according to the Bezier curve formula.
3) test: low DCR value as well as a low least square error.

(7) Spiral Test
1) break the stroke up at every 2pi interval.
2) test: most be overtraced, NDDE must be high, each sub-stroke is fit to a circle, box radius must be less than a threshold and centers of consecutive sub-strokes must be close to each other
3) calculate the distance between endpoints and divide it by stroke length (helpful for distinguishing spirals from helixes)

(8) Helix Test
1) choose constant radius and the major axis.
2) find the starting and ending center points.
3) find center point for the rest revolutions.

(9) Complex Test
1) break a stroke up into two sub-strokes at the point of highest curvature.
2) each stroke is then recursively sent back into the recognizer.
3) add an additional step: send sub-strokes to a secondary function which attempts to recombine consecutive sub-strokes and check if they can be treated as a single primitive.
4) replace them.

In hierarchy stage,
Sort interpretations of sketch using the ranking algorithm mentioned in Summary Section.

B. Paulson and T. Hammond. Paleosketch: Accurate primitive sketch recognition and beautification. InIUI ’08: Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, pages 1–10, New York, NY, USA, 2008. ACM Press.

What!?! No Rubine Features?: Using Geometric-based Features to Produce Normalized Confidence Values for Sketch Recognition

Using Geometric-based Features to Produce Normalized Confidence Values for Sketch Recognition
This paper proposes a hybrid recognition scheme by combining Gesture-based recognition and Geometric-based recognition together. With the hybrid recognition scheme, highly accurate classification will be achieved while maintaining user independence and allowing users to draw freely.

Sketch Recognition Methods:
In general, there are two approaches for sketch recognition. One is gesture-based. The other is geometric-based. Gesture-based recognition focuses on how a sketch is drawn. It takes the sampling points(x,y,t) of a stroke as input and then classifies the stroke into a set of pre-defined gestures. This kind of recognition scheme is fast but it needs user-dependent feature sets and requires individual training by each user. Geometric-based recognition focuses on what a sketch looks like. So it is more user-independent. However, geometric-based recognizer usually uses numerous thresholds and heuristic hierarchies which are hard to analyze and optimize in a systematic fashion.
Unlike gestural recognizers using statistical classifiers, geometric recognizer uses error matrix to compare a sketched shape and its ideal version with a series of geometric tests and formulas.

Hybrid Recognition Scheme:
The hybrid recognition scheme remains the strength and avoids the drawbacks of the two recognition methods mentioned in last section by taking a few features from each of the two methods. The overall picture of all features in hybrid recognizer is as follows,
The first 31 features are geometric features. The last 13 features are Rubine gestural features. The bold ones are the optimal feature set after feature subset selection using sequential forward selection technique. It is discovered that gestural features are less significant in aiding freely sketch recognition.

Paulson, Brandon, Pedros Devalos, Pankaj Rajan, Ricardo Guitierrez, and Tracy Hammond. "Texas A&M : OBJECT 1237321989 : Hammond Cv." Texas A&M : OBJECT 1237321989 : Hammond Cv. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.