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Early Processing for Sketch Understanding

Sketch Based Interfaces: Early Processing for Sketch Understanding
This paper comes from the idea of utilizing the powerful processing capability of a computer to realize an easy and flexible UI for sketch recognition. In other words, this interface should give users a feeling as if they are drawing in a paper. To realize this target, the first problem is how to convert digitalized pen strokes into intended geometric objects. This is done by interpreting the pixels of user sketch and completing three-step processing.

Three-step processing:
Aim: Match the most basic geometric primitives ( lines and curves ) to a given set of pixels.
Vertex detection:
Mark corners of sketch with vertices.
(1.1)How to determine vertices in sketch?
---Curvature: Change in direction with respect to arc length.
Those points with a maximum of the absolute value of curvature are vertices.
In Figure 1, the points in red circle are vertices
Those points with a minimum of speed are vertices.
In Figure 1, the points in green circle are vertices.

Figure 1 Direction, Curvature and Speed graph for Stroke
   To avoid the bad influence of noise in data, the authors introduce Average  Based Filtering. In Figure 2 and Figure 3, the red line is threshold. We are looking for maxima of curvature only where the curvature is already high and minima of speed only where the speed is already low. Thresholds are selected empirically. For Curvature Graph, it is the mean value. However, for Speed Graph, it is 90% of the mean value.
Figure 2 Speed Graph for Square with threshold
Figure 3 Curvature Graph for Square with threshold
(1.2)Generating Hybrid Fits:
       Computing vertex certainties:
      Our certainty metric for a curvature candidate vertex vi is the scaled magnitude of the curvature in a local neighborhood around the point, computed as |di−k − di+k|/L. Here L is curve length between points Si-k and Si+k. k is a small integer defining the neighborhood size around vi. The certainty metric for a speed fit candidate vertex vi is a measure of the pen slowdown at the point, 1 − vi/vmax. vmax is the maximum pen speed in the stroke. The     certainty values are normalized to [0, 1]. 
      Generating a set of hybrid fits:
      The initial hybrid fit H0 is the intersection of Fd (curvature data) and Fs (speed data). A succession of additional fits is then generated by appending to Hi the highest scoring curvature and speed candidates not already in Hi. To do this, on each cycle we create two new fits: Hi=Hi+vs (i.e., Hi augmented with the best remaining speed fit candidate) and Hi= Hi+vd (i.e., Hi augmented with the best remaining curvature candidate).
      Selecting the best fit:
     We set an error upper bound and designate as our final fit Hf, the Hi with the fewest vertices that also has an error below the threshold.
Handling curves:
Approximate curved region with Bezier curves, defined by two end points and two control points. Let u = si, v = sj, i < j be the end points of the part of S to be approximated with a curve. We compute the control points as:
Figure 4 Control points calculation formula
Where t1 and t2 are the unit length tangent vectors pointing inwards at the curve segment to  be approximated. The 1/3 factor in k controls how much we scale t1 and t2 in order to reach the control points; the summation is simply the length of the chord between Si and Sj.
Modifies the output of the approximation layer to make it visually more appealing without changing its meaning, and secondarily aid the third phase, basic recognition.
Figure 5 The effect of Beautification
(3)Basic Recognition:
The recognition of the most basic objects that can be built from the line segments and curve segments produced so far. Eg. simple geometric objects( ovals, circles, rectangles and squares )


Tevfik Metin Sezgin, Thomas Stahovich, Randall Davis, Proceeding PUI '01 Proceedings of the 2001 workshop on Perceptive user interfaces Pages 1-8